Hoping Maintenance of Japan-ROK Relationship

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida visited the Republic of Korea and had a meeting with ROK President Yoon Suk Yeol on September 6. Both leaders agreed on a memorandum for protecting their nations in foreign country in situation of emergency. Although they shared a notion that the bilateral relationship was improved under their leaderships, it is still unclear whether it will be maintained by their successors.


The Japanese in Sudan could evacuate from battles of civil war with help of ROK in April 2023. In the wake of battle between Israel and Hamas, Japanese citizens in Israel could leave by boarding a transport aircraft of ROK force. Thanking for the effort of ROK government, Japanese government realized the necessity for preparing measures for evacuation with ROK.


Kishida and Yoon agreed on having constant meeting on the level of bureau chiefs of both foreign ministries to share information on situation of the third-party countries. In the evacuation caused by exacerbation of security, in such situation as war, natural disaster or pandemic, both governments would cooperate each other closely sharing information.


They also shared their notion on importance of trilateral relationship, including the United States, concerning growing cooperation between Russia and North Korea. Kishida reaffirmed his support for unified Korean Peninsula with free and peace, as in the trilateral joint statement in Camp David last year. Kishida stated that both countries would be able to coordinate as partners in various global issues.


In the summit meeting, both leaders exchanged their views on the bilateral relationship between Japan and ROK under their leaderships. “Based on our firm confidence, ROK-Japan relation has significantly improved,” said Yoon. “While there is history or various experiences between Japan and ROK, it is important for us to cooperate with ROK for the future,” replied Kishida.


Under the worst relationship in post-war era, with the leadership of Shinzo Abe and Moon Jae-in, both governments exchanged negative policies toward each other, including ROK Supreme Court decision for compensation on coercive labor of Korean workers. Yoon tried to solve it with decision of taking it over by establishing a foundation under ROK government to compensate it. The improvement of bilateral relationship has mainly been made by initiatives on Korean side, as also seen in evacuation issues.


Kishida’s trip to ROK in the end of his term as prime minister was to pin down the achievement of his diplomacy. However, no one knows whether next prime minister of Japan will properly succeed the relationship. There is no guarantee for maintaining pro-Japan policy after Yoon’s leaving office in 2027. It is important for decision makers in Japan to have political will for keeping moderate relationship with ROK, not based on the policy on the Korean side or deterioration of international security environment. 


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