CDP Elected Noda for New Leader

The largest opposition party, Constitutional Democratic Party, elected former prime minister Yoshihiko Noda for the head in its national convention on September 23. Noda insisted that he would uphold taking back the administration from the Liberal Democratic Party as the biggest target of his party leadership. Noda is going to face a competition against the leading coalition in the election of House of Representatives, which is expected to be held soon after the LDP decides new president later this week.

Among the four candidates, Noda achieved the biggest number of votes both from CDP lawmakers and rank-and-file members of the party. Noda achieved 267 points, leaving Edano with 206 points, Izumi with 143 points and Yoshida with 122 points behind. His score of 128 points from lawmakers and registered candidates for next Diet election and 139 points from CDP local assembly members and rank-and-file members were not overtaken by any of other candidates.


In the campaign, Noda strictly accused the Liberal Democratic party of its slush fund scandal, demanding fundamental reform of politics for transparent use of political funds. Noda appealed necessity of regime change, arguing that the fundamental political reform would be replacing administration from LDP and Komeito to the opposition parties led by the CDP.


Noda’s victory with stable support from lawmakers and rank-and-file members indicated expectation to his political skill as a veteran lawmaker, who experienced the prime minister. Although Edano and Izumi previously took leadership of the CDP, they could not raise the party to a level in which administrational change would be realistic. Noda seriously appealed his anger against the LDP, criticizing a number of LDP hereditary lawmakers as far remote from ordinary people.


However, Noda has not made his position clear on some policies. While the CDP upholds a principle for a society without nuclear power plant, Noda told that it would be a question how he promote realistic policies with ideal principle embraced. On the change of constitutional interpretation by Shinzo Abe administration in security legislation, Noda denied radical overturn of existing laws. Noda needs to consult with his staffs about basic policies to lead discussion inside and outside of the party.


It is important for new leader of the CDP to reintegrate the party to prepare for next election of the House of Representatives. He announced that he would decide the structure of the board members as soon as the next day of the election. Noda will face an uneasiness over cooperation with other opposition parties, which is indispensable to overthrow LDP regime. Noda do not have much time, since new president of the LDP will be elected three days later.


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