Discussion for Best Local Transportation System

West Japan Railway Company (JR West) requested Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism to establish “rebuilding conference” on maintenance or scrapping of Geibi Line which connected the cities in rural area of Okayama and Hiroshima Prefecture. It is obvious that the company want to improve the situation of current railway system, not ruling out the abolition. But, the residents along the line hope the company to continue its operation. The national government is responsible for reconciling the argument.

Amended Local Public Transportation Vitalization Act enacted October 1st obligates the national government to establish a conference for discussion between local communities and railway company with request of one or both of the parties. The discussion on Geibi Line has been made between JR West and the local governments along the line for future transportation in the area.


The basic stance of JR West is supposedly to establish a local transportation system, not limited to maintaining railway, or to find a way to increase the users of the train. The company wonders whether the cost for maintaining Geibi Line would be covered by the income in the urban lines around Osaka. On the other hand, the residents need Geibi Line as the transportation for the high-school students to go to school, or for aged people to go to hospital. The local governments backed by those users firmly oppose the abolishment.


The establishment of Geibi Line Rebuiliding Conference will be the first example for the national government to have a conference under the law. They will draw a conclusion within three years and the national government will support a half amount of whole cost to realize the conclusion. The discussions between railway company and local communities have been made over the abolishment of railways in Hokkaido, but the parties were opposing each other and the government of Hokkaido was reluctant to work as a mediator.


Railways had been a main transportation system for the people in the time before cars were popularized in each family. It also had a role for developing rural area. Planting industries in the rural area has been the goals for Japanese government after the Meiji Restoration. For such a country with small land as Japan, local development was definitely needed to reinforce its power.


However, the development of Japan was exercised mainly in urban area. Industrial development was made along the coastal area between Tokyo and Osaka in the post-war era. Tokyo and Osaka were connected with the bullet train and commuting of the people contributed further development of the area. The national government needs to recognize its responsibility for this imbalance and help the people in rural area find the best way for their ordinary life.


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