Shimomura Suggests Resumption of Kickback
Committee on Budget of the House of Representatives made a hearing, closed to the press, to former accounting manager of Abe faction in the Liberal Democratic Party, Jun-ichiro Matsumoto, on secret fund scandal of the faction. While Matsumoto did not reveal who resumed the kickback system in 2022, it was reported that he told the public prosecutors about who asked Matsumoto for that resumption. It was likely that former Minister of Education, Hakubun Shimomura, effectively requested to maintain the system of returning sales of fundraising parties.
Although some lawmakers with former Abe and Nikai faction were indicted by the public prosecutors, there remains two big questions unsolved. One is when and who started the system of secretly returning sales of fundraising party ticket to the members of faction. Former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori was doubted as the leader who created the system, former Prime Minister Fumio Kishida did not make detailed interview to Mori. This doubt is not removed.
Another point is when and who resumed the system, despite former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had decided to abolish it. In the hearing of Budget Committee, Matsumoto testified that the discussion for the abolishment started March 2022. Supposedly having realized the illegality of the system, six leaders of Abe faction decided to stop that management of political fund and noticed it to the members in April 2022.
Nevertheless, Abe faction restarted the kickback system in August of 2022, just after Abe was assassinated. Matsumoto indicated that one of those leaders who decided the abolishment told Matsumoto that there were some voices in the faction demanding the system to be remained. Not naming who it was, Matsumoto indicated that the person is not a lawmaker now. It was only Shimomura or Ryu Shionoya, who both lost the seat in the Lower House election last October.
Asahi Shimbun reported that Matsumoto had revealed to the investigation of Tokyo Public Prosecutors’ Office that it was Shimomura who suggested the resumption of kickback system. Shimomura admitted that he told Matsumoto about some requests in the faction to keep the system, but denied his intention to suggest the resumption. There is an argument, however, telling some demands in the faction would work as a “request” of keeping the system.
The opposition parties in the Diet requested hearing from the leaders of former Abe faction. Although the leading coalition, the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito, has reached a deal on support for high school tuition, the discussion for FY 2025 is in delay along with deadlock over the discussion for the scandal. Although the budget bill needs to be passed from the Lower House to the Upper House by March 2nd to secure starting governmental works on April 1st, Shigeru Ishiba administration cannot have a clear perspective when the budget bill will pass the Diet.
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