Koike Runs for Her Third Term

The Governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike, announced on June 12th her candidacy for Tokyo gubernatorial election in July. She explained her motivation as to upgrade her reforms of Tokyo in her third term. Although she has not requested any support from existing parties, the leading parties in the Diet, the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito, are going to support Koike voluntarily. The race for Tokyo governor is going to a showdown between the leading and the opposition parties between Koike and Renho who had been a lawmaker with the Constitutional Democratic Party.

“I decided to run for the coming election with determination to promote my Tokyo Great Reform 3.0,” said Koike in her announcement at the plenary meeting of Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly. Although her candidacy for her third term has been reported as soon, she took certain time from the announcement of Renho on May 27th to cool down the excitement for expectation to a close race. Koike’s announcement was delayed as late as eight days before the official call for the election scheduled on June 20th.


As former lawmaker with LDP, Koike became the governor of Tokyo in 2016 with her main policy for reforming the politics in Tokyo controlled by old political power. During her eight years as the governor, Koike dealt with reducing cost of Tokyo Olympic Games in 2021 or measures for containment of COVID-19. Koike told the reporters her hope to further promote the policies related to raising birth rate or preventing measures for natural disaster.


Koike is supposed to run for the election as an independent candidate. Although she is the special advisor of Tokyoite First Association, a local party in Tokyo which was established by her in 2016, Koike would not accept any recommendation from parties. Hopeless to raise any winnable candidate to the election, the LDP is going to support Koike even if she does not request LDP’s support. However, current unpopularity of the leading party in the Diet with prolonged scandal over the slush fund may affect the votes.


Over forty people have announced their candidacy for the election. Renho is designated as the top contender against Koike among them. Renho reported the CDP to leave the party to run as an independent candidate on the day Koike announced her candidacy. Japan Communist Party and Social Democratic Party is supporting Renho. It is expected that the election is going to be the race not only between major parties but a race between experienced female politician.


The biggest gain of Renho in her four previous elections in Tokyo District of the Upper House was 1.71 million votes in 2010. Koike achieved 3.66 million in last gubernatorial election in 2020. It is undeniable that those two women have enjoyed significant popularity in Tokyo. As the result of the election will take broad attention not only in Tokyo but all over Japan. It can bring a major impact on national politics.


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