Inappropriate Connection between SDF and Defense Industry
K awasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) revealed that it had accumulated secret fund for giving gifts to the crew of submarines they had supplied to Marine Self-defense Force (MSDF). The gifts have been sent from inappropriate funds since forty years ago. The amount of the secret fund is estimated as 1.7 billion yen at least between FY 2018 and FY 2024. The incident represents obscure relationship between military and industry. Marine Self-defense Force has twenty-five submarines. Twelve out of them were made by KHI. Those submarines have inspection in every three years in Kobe, where KHI headquarters is located. It takes a half year for overhauling. During the period of inspection, KHI provided with tools for repair or shoes based on request of the crew. The crew, in return, participated in the inspection of KHI, laboring for maintenance of devices. The crews eventually requested goods unrelated to the inspection. They included game machine, fishing tools or golf gears. K...